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First day of spring 2021

We had a perfect spring day today! The sun was shining , the sky was light blue as always in spring. There was that special light, that makes all colors look a little bit like pastels. The change of the season for me is a change in the spectrim of light and colors. This change appears from one day to the next day. Suddenly it’s here and I know, the new season begins. So today...

In the last two days the snowdrops came out of earth. Winter aconite and daisies were following. The last week the birds fell in love, they sang and fought. The starlings are back, reminding me on dolphins with their click loads and their playfulness. The bird- house-sightseeing- tours are starting in our garden. And luckily the blue tilts are back, after a pandemic killed almost all here last year.

A new cycle of life begins. Fresh, energizin, magical. When you stop and listen by looking around you can realize this atmosphere. A moment later you become a part of it...

I haven’t been the only human who noticed the change. There were so many people in the streets, the parks, the fields and the forest. There eyes were shining and there faces looked cheerful. They exchanged dark winter clothes for light and colorful spring clothes. This was the first time I saw so many people since the last lockdown started. Walking in groups, sitting on benches, laughing and celebrating that they survived winter and Covid-19. It was a sign of change and hope. Like the first blossoms of the snowdrops.

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